Frequently Asked Questions of ALL AT SEA – Southeast to help you figure out WHO we are, WHAT we do, WHERE we go and IF it makes sense for you.
- When was ALL AT SEA started?
- Southeast / Caribbean? What is ALL AT SEA – Caribbean?
- Who reads ALL AT SEA?
- Can I contribute to ALL AT SEA?
- How often does ALL AT SEA come out?
- Where is ALL AT SEA – Southeast distributed?
- What is your distribution philosophy?
- HELP! I want to Advertise in ALL AT SEA – Southeast but I don’t know how to get started?
- Can I afford to advertise in ALL AT SEA – Southeast?
When was ALL AT SEA started?
ALL AT SEA – Caribbean was founding June 1993. We will be celebrating it’s 20th Anniversary this year.
ALL AT SEA – Southeast was started in March 2012 and we’re already grateful for our raving fans!
Southeast? Wait… What is ALL AT SEA – Caribbean?
ALL AT SEA – Caribbean is the Sister publication to ALL AT SEA – Southeast. It is the original magazine founded in St. Maarten in June 1993. We’re celebrating 20 years this year. Thank you so much for all of the support!
The Caribbean edition is the only Boating publication distributed throughout South Florida AND the entire Caribbean region from Jamaica all the way through the island chain to Aruba.
Simply pick up a copy and notice the geographic diversity of the advertisers from all the different islands, it is a testament to the strength of readership and distribution.
With the two separate publications you can focus on the region that appeals to your business most or BOTH!
Who reads ALL AT SEA?
ALL AT SEA is beloved by everyone that floats on the water from the yachts, boats, cruisers, fishermen, commercial fleet to the weekend warriors.
We are found on the Captains tables of everything from the smallest boats (and a few dinghies here or there) to the largest superyachts.
As a Southeast US regional publication, we appeal to them all.
Can I contribute to ALL AT SEA?
We are a community magazine and many of the boaters out there are already ALL AT SEA contributors.
Over the handful of years, we have been fortunate to work with over 165 different ink-slingers.
As a community magazine, we welcome all authors and photographers to contact our Editor to contribute. The multitude of voices is where the magic happens!
How often does ALL AT SEA come out?
ALL AT SEA – Southeast is a monthly magazine, 12 months per year.
Where is ALL AT SEA – Southeast distributed?
ALL AT SEA – Southeast is distributed through TEN Coastal States including Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas!
We just reached a NEW milestone of over 1,600 targeted hand distributed locations of Marinas, Boatyards, Ship Stores / Chandleries, Marine Service Providers and Sailor Bars / restaurants.
We target where the Boaters are!
What is your distribution philosophy?
Get to the boaters and yachts before they get to you.
This isn’t mailed in — The main majority of ALL AT SEA is HAND DELIVERED.
ALL AT SEA is a free “targeted” distribution magazine strategically positioned in the marinas, boatyards, ship stores / chandleries, sailors bars, restaurants, marine service providers and general haunts.
Remember, we’ve been doing this for 20 years as of 2013 so we have this down to a science!
HELP! I want to Advertise in ALL AT SEA – Southeast but I don’t know how to get started?
No worries! Relax… You know your business BUT we know how to communicate!
We are here to help guide you through the process. We will even work with you to create the artwork.
Over the years, we have seen what works and can help you to avoid the pitfalls.
Simply email ( us or call us (1-410-929-2248) and we’ll LISTEN to what your needs are and help you to create an affordable solution that works!
Can I afford to advertise in ALL AT SEA?
We are a family owned and operated business. Just like many of you!
In fact, the small marine service providers make up the backbone of ALL AT SEA and they’ve been with us for years and years. We pride ourselves on having solutions that are affordable to any budget!
Simply email or call (1-410-929-2248) and we’ll LISTEN to what your needs are and help you to create an affordable solution that works!
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